Dry Needling is a therapeutic treatment where a thin filament needle is inserted into a taut band that has been identified within a muscle.
- The needle may be advanced a number of times in the one area. Often patients do not even feel the needle penetrate the skin. Once the needle advances into the muscle, it may feel like a muscle cramp and there may be a ‘twitch response”.
- This twitch response has a positive effect on symptoms and the tissue. Patients may feel a referral of pain or similar symptoms for which they are seeking treatment. This is affirmation of the location of the area being treated.
This results in reduction of pain and restoration of normal length and function of the involved muscle.
Positive results will be apparent within 2-4 treatment sessions but can vary depending on the cause and duration of the symptoms. It is an effective treatment for both acute and chronic pain.
Dry needling is within the scope of practice of adequately trained physiotherapists. Professional continuing education is required which includes demonstration of competency in dry needling.
Dry Needling for the Pelvic Floor
Can be used in men and women who are suffering from pelvic pain and pelvic floor disorders.
Dry Needling may sometimes be the treatment of choice if other manual techniques are too painful. Dry needling may also help achieve improvement in symptoms more quickly.
Dry needling of the pelvic floor muscles may include: the ischiocavernosus, bulbospongiosus, transverse perineal, pubococcygeus, iliococcygeus, coccygeus, and obturator internus muscles.

- Pudendal neuralgia
- Nerve entrapments
- Vulvar pain disorders
- Coccygeal pain
- Vaginismus
- Interstitial cystitis
- Prostatodynia
- Incontinence
- Bowel disorders
- Pelvic floor muscle tension disorders.